Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thank you, Keri

For those of you who are unfamiliar with children's mental health issues, psychosocial rehabilitation happens when a trained professional interacts with the affected person on a regular basis, thus promoting a more socially acceptable look on life. We, as a family, have been blessed to have a wonderful therapist with us since shortly after the trying trio arrived on our doorstep.

Keri started with us in the midst of the turmoil that is the first months of child placement, not to mention the death of my mom. She was skeptical at first, as were we. However, the little cocoons soon matured into beautiful butterflies and we both noticed that we were not so different. As we matured in our relationship, a strong bond was formed--not just with the kids, but with our families.

She saw us through the darkest, lowest time in our life as a family, refraining graciously from commenting on our immature attempts at dealing with things. She encouraged us to try new techniques to soothe savage beasts and calm fears. She tirelessly combed the internet for more information on reactive attachment disorder, children's mental health issues and other timely topics. She read the information and highlighted the key ideas to help me save time, but still understand the kids.

What can I say about someone who walked so willingly with us, scooping us up in time of need and rejoining in the little things? Thank you, a thousand times over, thank you. From all of us in this home with a slightly bedraggled family, but still together after 2 1/2 years, thank you. You will be missed.

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